
Showing posts from April, 2022

Want to know about a power food called Acai?

Introduction Nature has offered so many great things to mankind and one of them is fruits, which are loaded with various essential vitamins, antioxidants, fibres and minerals. Fruits can be consumed in several ways like by making juice, smoothies, salads, etc. Most people even carry fruits at work to stay healthy and fit, this reduces fatigue and boosts stamina levels. Acai is one of the best fruits or a berry that is packed with antioxidants, omega fatty acids 3, 6 and 9, fibre, healthy fats and calcium. It is mainly grown in the Amazon rainforest on the acai palm trees and is highly consumed by the local civilians of the Amazon, as they discovered some health benefits.  The superfood The acai (ah-sigh-EE) berry is known as a superfood that provides value to your health and life. There are many health benefits you can get if you eat acai like it aids in digestion, promotes heart health, lowers cholesterol levels, boosts metabolism, improves brain function and neutralizes the damaging